Waverley station Sunday night. All the screens blank. Every one of them. Terrified would-be passengers clustering round the (very helpful) ScotRail team, demanding information. Yes, the 10pm last train west will run. No it will not be on time, due to ned activity. No, the ned activity has nothing to do with the blank screens.

Any other trains? Yes, the LNER is also late, so you can all get on that one, it’ll be here in 10 minutes or so. No, your ScotRail tickets are not valid on that service. ScotRail hasn’t cancelled your train so tickets wont be accepted by other operators. Accept the extra cost, get on the LNER. Arrive at Glasgow Central, also a locus of ned activity. Quick check - the ScotRail train is still at Waverley. No subway home, it’s a Sunday. Accept the extra taxi cost. Neds at taxi rank. Visit Scotland.

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No low level trains from Central or Queen St. Not even for Helensburgh.

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The Edinburgh new bus screen scandal is unbelievable - the software isn’t compatible with the bus GPS. You couldn’t make it up! It’s cost millions. When they first unveiled them they didn’t even have the disclaimer along the bottom telling us the info was timetable only. They are currently as useful as the paper timetables in the shelters!

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Someone told me it’s because the bus drivers union won’t allow the actual times to be displayed because they don’t want to be tracked by their employers like Amazon drivers. I have no idea if that’s true

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